• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S
温美娟, 党娜, 翟丙年, 郑伟, 王朝辉, 赵政阳. 施肥配合薄膜生草二元覆盖有效提高渭北苹果的产量和品质[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2016, 22(5): 1339-1347. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.15381
引用本文: 温美娟, 党娜, 翟丙年, 郑伟, 王朝辉, 赵政阳. 施肥配合薄膜生草二元覆盖有效提高渭北苹果的产量和品质[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2016, 22(5): 1339-1347. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.15381
WEN Mei-juan, DANG Na, ZHAI Bing-nian, ZHENG Wei, WANG Zhao-hui, ZHAO Zhen-yang. Improving yield and quality of apples though double mulching of film and cabbage combined with fertilization in Weibei dryland, Shaanxi Province[J]. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2016, 22(5): 1339-1347. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.15381
Citation: WEN Mei-juan, DANG Na, ZHAI Bing-nian, ZHENG Wei, WANG Zhao-hui, ZHAO Zhen-yang. Improving yield and quality of apples though double mulching of film and cabbage combined with fertilization in Weibei dryland, Shaanxi Province[J]. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2016, 22(5): 1339-1347. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.15381


Improving yield and quality of apples though double mulching of film and cabbage combined with fertilization in Weibei dryland, Shaanxi Province

  • 摘要:
    目的 合理施肥与覆盖是渭北果园高产高效的必要措施,本研究依据当地实际提出了一个优化的施肥覆盖综合措施,并进行了效果验证试验,为其改进和推广提供依据。
    方法 田间试验于 2012~2014 年在陕西渭北旱塬白水县收水村、可仙村、田家洼村进行。对照采用的农户模式(F)为不施有机肥、果树行间裸露,基肥 N∶P2O5∶K2O 用量为 300∶160.∶120 kg/hm2;萌芽期 3 月 20 日追肥;N∶P2O5∶K2O 用量为 150∶80∶60 kg/hm2。目前的推广措施为增施有机肥 22.5 t/hm2,树盘覆盖黑塑料膜,基肥 N∶P2O5∶K2O 用量为 200∶120∶180 kg/hm2,追肥推迟到膨果期 8 月 10 日进行,N∶P2O5∶K2O 用量为 100∶60∶90 kg/hm2;拟定的优化施肥模式(O)为:树盘四周覆盖黑色塑料膜,树行间种植小油菜覆盖土壤,有机肥增加到 45 t/hm2,氮磷钾用量不变,调整基追比例和追施时间,具体为基肥 N∶P2O5∶K2O 用量为 150∶90∶135 kg/hm2,追肥在 7 月 10 日进行,N∶P2O5∶K2O 用量为 150∶90∶135 kg/hm2。测定比较了三种管理措施不同时期苹果叶片和果实的养分含量及累积量,并分析了果实品质及产量。
    结果 与现有模式相比,优化模式果树幼果期叶片 N、P、K 含量平均分别增加了 1.4%、8.4% 和 5.9%;膨果期分别平均增加了 5.6%、15.5% 和 8.1%;成熟期平均分别增加了 6.9%、5.9% 和 11.6%。果实对 N、P、K 养分吸收量为优化模式 > 现有模式 > 农户模式,三个果园优化模式管理的果实 N、P、K 养分吸收量较现有模式平均分别增加了 30.1%、31.8% 和 26.5%。优化模式能显著提高果实硬度、VC、可溶性固形物含量、可溶性糖含量及单果重,降低果实酸含量。果实商品率和糖酸比均以优化模式最高,商品率较农户模式、现有模式平均增加 22.2%、17.4%,糖酸比平均增加 42.6%、14.5%。此外,优化模式能显著提高苹果单株产量,三个试验点优化模式较农户模式和现有模式单株产量平均增加 58.7%、28.1%。
    结论 在现有推广模式的基础上,有机肥施用量增加到 45 t/hm2,基肥和追肥 N∶P2O5∶K2O 用量调整为 150∶90∶135 kg/hm2,并将追肥时期提前到 7 月 10 日幼果膨大初期,配合树盘覆盖薄膜、行间种植小油菜二元覆盖,可以更有效地提高渭北旱地果园苹果的产量和品质。


    Objectives Reasonable fertilization and effective mulching of soil have been the key measurement for high and stable agriculture production in the dry land of north Shaanxi Province. An optimized practice was proposed and its effectiveness in improving apple yield and quality was studied in the base of the farmer’s mode and the currently recommended measurement.
    Methods Field experiments were conducted in consecutive two years in three orchards each year. In farmers’mode, no organic fertilizer was used and the soil around the apple trees was cleared. The basal amount of N, P2O5, K2O was 300, 160, 120 kg/hm2, and the top dressing amount was 150, 80, 60 kg/hm2 at germinating stage (March 20); The currently recommended management includes mulching the tree base soil with black film but cleared the soils between the tree rows, applying manure 22.5 t/hm2, the basal amount of N, P2O5, K2O was 200, 120, 180 kg/hm2, top dressing amount was 100, 60, 90 kg/hm2 at fruit enlarging stage (August 10); the optimized measurement was: mulching tree base with black film and growing small rape in between the tree rows, organic manure amount was increased to 45 t/hm2, both the basal and top dressing amount of N, P2O5, K2O were 150, 90, 135 kg/hm2, but the dressing time was brought advanced at early stage of fruiting enlarging (July 10). The nutrient uptake in different growth periods of apple trees and the yield and quality of fruits were investigated, and the yield and quality of fruit were investigated.
    Results Compared with the extension pattern, the NPK contents of leaves in optimized model were averagely increased by 1.4%, 8.4% and 5.9% in young fruit period; by 5.6%, 15.5% and 8.1% in fruit enlargement period, and by 6.9%, 5.9% and 11.6% in ripening period. The fruit nutrient uptake was in order of optimized model > extension model > farmer model, and the difference between the optimized model and the farmer model was significant ( P < 0.05). Compared with farmer model, the NPK uptake in fruits under optimized model was increased by 77.9%, 62.9% and 41.4%, and the vitamin C, soluble solid, hardness, soluble sugar, and sugar-acid ratio were all increased significantly and the contents of titratable acidity decreased. The highest percentage of apple sizes with diameters>80 mm was in optimized model, and the excellent fruit rate was averagely 22.2% and 17.4% higher than in extension and farmer models.
    Conclusions The organic manure input, the ratio and time of N, P2O5, K2O fertilizer in the currently recommended mode should be modified in the experimental area. For the more effective mode, organic manure should be increased to 45 t/hm2, the amount of basal and topdressing of N, P2O5, K2O should be adjusted to 150, 90, 135 kg/hm2, and the topdressing date should be brought advanced to early fruit enlarging stage at July 10. Double mulching with black film around tree truck and covering the soil in between the tree rows is also suggested in the apple orchards in Weibei dry land area, Shaanxi Province.


