• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S
纪洪亭, 赵韩伟, 曾燕楠, 程润东, 王士红, 王勇, 赵荷娟. 施氮对我国甘薯产量及其构成因素影响的整合分析[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2024, 30(8): 1606-1620. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2024056
引用本文: 纪洪亭, 赵韩伟, 曾燕楠, 程润东, 王士红, 王勇, 赵荷娟. 施氮对我国甘薯产量及其构成因素影响的整合分析[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2024, 30(8): 1606-1620. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2024056
JI Hong-ting, ZHAO Han-wei, ZENG Yan-nan, CHENG Run-dong, WANG Shi-hong, WANG Yong, ZHAO He-juan. Meta-analysis on the effect and influence factors of nitrogen application on tuber yield of sweet potato in China[J]. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2024, 30(8): 1606-1620. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2024056
Citation: JI Hong-ting, ZHAO Han-wei, ZENG Yan-nan, CHENG Run-dong, WANG Shi-hong, WANG Yong, ZHAO He-juan. Meta-analysis on the effect and influence factors of nitrogen application on tuber yield of sweet potato in China[J]. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, 2024, 30(8): 1606-1620. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2024056


Meta-analysis on the effect and influence factors of nitrogen application on tuber yield of sweet potato in China

  • 摘要:
    目的 在全国尺度上,定量评价施氮对甘薯产量及其构成因素的影响,明确影响施氮效应的因素,为我国甘薯生产中氮肥合理施用提供参考。
    方法 利用中国知网、万方、维普和Web of Science中英文数据库,以“甘薯”、“氮”、“氮肥”、“产量”、“单株结薯数”、“单薯重”为关键词进行检索,基于以下标准对文献进行筛选:试验在我国农田进行;试验包含不施氮肥对照和施用不同量氮肥处理,且对照与处理磷钾肥用量相同;每个处理至少有3次重复,共筛选到45篇文献。筛选后的文献中,包含产量数据288组,单株结薯数数据191组,单薯重数据145组。利用Meta分析方法,定量分析施氮对甘薯产量及其构成因素的影响;通过亚组分析,评价不同因素对施氮效应的影响。
    结果 与不施氮相比,施氮增加我国甘薯鲜薯单位面积产量1.7%、单薯重3.2%,降低单株结薯数1.2%。不同施氮量下,甘薯产量及其构成因素存在显著差异。随施氮量增加,鲜薯产量和单株结薯数增幅逐渐降低,增幅最大的施氮量均小于75 kg/hm2,单薯重呈先升高后下降的趋势,增幅最大的施氮量为75~150 kg/hm2。长江流域薯区和南方薯区鲜薯单产增幅高于北方薯区;北方薯区、长江流域薯区、南方薯区适宜施氮量分别为<75、75~150、75~150 kg/hm2。随对照组产量 (地力产量)的增加,施氮的鲜薯产量、单株结薯数增幅均呈下降趋势,而单薯重增幅呈增加趋势。对照组产量≤25 t/hm2时,适宜施氮量为75~150 kg/hm2,地力产量为25~35 t/hm2和>35 t/hm2时,适宜施氮量为<75 kg/hm2。施氮处理下鲜食型甘薯增产幅度低于淀粉型甘薯,鲜食型甘薯适宜施氮量为<75 kg/hm2,淀粉型为75~150 kg/hm2。施氮鲜薯产量增幅最高的施钾(K2O)量为150~225 kg/hm2,尽管该施钾量范围内施氮处理的单株结薯数显著下降6.3%,但单薯重显著增加14.9%,导致鲜薯产量增加10.5%;施磷 (P2O5)量为≤60 kg/hm2时,施氮处理的鲜薯产量、单株结薯数和单薯重增幅最高,分别为7.2%、4.9%和5.8%;氮、磷、钾适宜的配施比例为1∶0~0.8∶1~3。中性土壤(6.5<pH≤7.5)、低有效磷含量(≤10 mg/kg)、低速效氮含量(≤60 mg/kg)、中速效钾含量(50~100 mg/kg)或高有机质含量(>20 g/kg)的土壤条件下,施氮处理的鲜薯产量增幅最高。
    结论 施氮有助于提升我国甘薯产量,但施氮效果受区域、地力产量、磷钾肥施用量、土壤基础肥力、甘薯类型等因素影响。因此,在甘薯生产中,应充分考虑这些因素,制定适宜的施氮方案,以提高氮肥利用率和甘薯产量。


    Objectives The objective of the study was to clarify the effect of nitrogen (N) application on the tuber yield of sweetpotato and the influencing factors at the national scale, so as to provide references for nitrogen nutrient management in sweetpotato production.
    Methods The published litterateurs were collected in China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Data, China Science and Technology Journal Database, and Web of Science, using key words “sweet potato”, “N”, “nitrogen fertilizer”, “yield”, “tuber number per plant”, and “single tuber weight”. The literatures were screened using the criteria as: field experiment in China; containing no N control and N fertilization treatment, and all the control and treatments were applied with the same amount of phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) fertilizer; and each treatment had at least three replicates. A total of 45 literatures were obtained, containing 288 groups of yield data,191 groups of tuber number per plant, and 145 groups of single tuber weight. Meta-analysis was used to quantitatively analyze the effect of N application on the tuber yield, yield components, and the influencing factors.
    Results N application increased the fresh tuber yield and single tuber weight of sweetpotato by 1.7% and 3.2%, respectively, but reduced the number of tubers per plant (NTP) by 1.2%. N application rate caused significant differences in fresh tuber yield and yield components, generally showing a decreased fresh tuber yield and NTP increment with the increasing of N application rate, and the peak increments were all recorded at N application rate <75 kg/hm2. The single tuber weight showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, with the highest appeared at N application rate of 75−150 kg/hm2. The increasing rates of fresh tuber yield were higher in the Yangtze River Basin region and the southern regions than in the northern regions. The suitable N application rates for the northern, Yangtze River Basin, and southern regions were <75 kg/hm2, 75−150 kg/hm2, and 75−150 kg/hm2, respectively. The levels of tuber yield in the controls negatively impacted the increasing rates of N fertilizer on fresh tuber yield and NTPs. The suitable N application rate was 75−150 kg/hm2 under control yield level of ≤25 t/hm2, and <75 kg/hm2 under control yield level of 25−35 t/hm2 and>35 t/hm2. The yield response of fresh sweetpotato to N application was lower than that of starch sweetpotato, and the suitable N application rates for fresh and starch sweet potatoes were <75 kg/hm2 and 75−150 kg/hm2, respectively. The high increment on yield (10.5%) and single tuber weight (14.9%) by N fertilizer were recorded at K2O application rate 150−225 kg/hm2, although the NTP was significantly decreased by 6.3%. And the peak increment of fresh tuber yield, NTP, and single tuber weight by N fertilizer were 7.2%, 4.9%, and 5.8%, respectively, under P2O5 application rate ≤60 kg/hm2. The appropriate combination application ratio of N, P2O5, and K2O was 1∶0−0.8∶1−3. In the soils with 6.5<pH≤7.5, low available P (≤ 10 mg/kg), low available N (≤60 mg/kg), medium available K (50−100 mg/kg), or high soil organic matter (>20 g/kg), N application produced the highest fresh tuber yield increases, compared with the no N application controls.
    Conclusions The effect of N application on the fresh tuber yield of sweetpotato is assured but varied in China, depending on the regions, the levels of tuber yield in the control, P, K application rates, the soil basic fertility, and the cultivar type of sweet potatoes. Therefore, N management should be made accordingly across China.


