• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S


Effect of magnesium fertilizer on rice yield and the optimal application rate in Fujian Province

  • 摘要:
    目的 明确福建省水稻主产区镁肥肥效,确定区域镁肥适宜用量,为水稻生产中镁肥科学施用提供参考。
    方法 2019年10至11月份,于福建水稻主产区开展土壤调研,共采集水稻收获后土壤样品596份,测定了土壤交换性镁含量。量化了不同镁肥用量对水稻产量、经济效益的影响,采用最大经济效益法 (maximum return to magnesium, MRTMg) 确定福建稻区镁肥推荐用量。于2020、2021年开展了19个田间镁肥梯度试验和10个镁肥示范对比试验,镁肥梯度试验设置4个镁肥用量 (以MgO计)处理, 分别为:0 (CK)、15 (Mg1)、30 (Mg2)和45 kg/hm2(Mg3) ;镁肥示范对比试验设置两个处理,镁肥 (以MgO计)施用量分别为 0 (CK) 和30 kg/hm2(+Mg)。 调查了水稻产量。
    结果 福建稻区土壤交换性镁平均含量为72.1 mg/kg,含量小于80 mg/kg的土壤样点占74%。水稻产量和经济效益随着镁肥施用量的增加而增加,与CK处理相比,Mg1、Mg2和Mg3处理下水稻产量分别增加4.9%、7.0%和7.2%,水稻纯利润分别增加4.3%、5.5%和4.6% (P<0.05)。土壤交换性镁临界阈值为80 mg/kg,当土壤交换性镁含量<80、80~120、>120 mg/kg时,镁肥最佳经济用量分别为MgO 33.2、27.3、15.8 kg/hm2,平均镁肥最佳经济用量为MgO 31.6 kg/hm2
    结论 福建稻区土壤镁缺乏较为普遍,施用镁肥可以显著提高水稻产量及经济效益,水稻生产上需要根据土壤交换性镁供应状况确定镁肥的合理用量。


    Objectives The study aimed to clarify rice’s response to magnesium (Mg) fertilizer in the main rice-producing areas of Fujian Province, and determine the appropriate Mg fertilizer level under different soil-exchangeable Mg contents.
    Methods A total of 596 soil samples were collected across Fujian Province after rice harvest in 2019, and the exchangeable Mg content (ExMg) was determined. In the 16 cities/regions of Fujian, 19 field experiments of magnesium fertilizer rates and 10 field demonstration experiments of magnesium fertilizer were conducted in 2020 and 2021. The tested Mg fertilizer rates were MgO 0 (CK), 15 (Mg1), 30 (Mg2) and 45 (Mg3) kg/hm2. Each demonstration experiment included applying MgO 30 kg/hm2 (+Mg) and a no Mg application control (CK). The maximum return to magnesium (MRTMg) was used to determine the recommended Mg fertilizer dosage for rice cultivation in Fujian.
    Results The average ExMg in Fujian paddy fields was 72.1 mg/kg, with 74% of the soil sampling points below 80 mg/kg. Rice yield and incomes increased with increasing Mg fertilizer application rates. Compared to the CK treatment, rice yield significantly increased by 4.9%, 7.0%, and 7.2%, and rice net profit increased significantly by 4.3%, 5.5%, and 4.6% under the Mg1, Mg2, and Mg3 treatments, respectively. The optimal economic dosage of Mg fertilizer in Fujian was MgO 31.6 kg/hm2. The critical threshold for exchangeable Mg in Fujian rice soils was 80 mg/kg. When exchangeable Mg was <80 mg/kg, 80−120 mg/kg, and >120 mg/kg, the optimal economic MgO dosage was 33.2, 27.3, and 15.8 kg/hm2, respectively.
    Conclusions Mg deficiency in Fujian rice soils is widespread. Application of Mg fertilizer can significantly enhance rice yield and economic benefits. Soil exchangeable Mg supply should be considered to determine the appropriate Mg fertilizer level for rice production.


