• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S


Screening of the potassium-efficient indicators and the investigation into differences of Chinese cabbage in low potassium stress

  • 摘要:
    目的 白菜是典型的喜钾作物,缺钾严重影响其产量。苗期是挖掘钾高效白菜种质资源和耐低钾新品种培育材料鉴定的重要时期,遴选出的指标可以作为钾高效白菜种质资源鉴定和抗逆性研究的科学依据。
    方法 以21个白菜自交系品种为试材进行了水培试验。设置适钾(NK,K+ 6.0 mmol/L)和低钾(LK,K+ 0.1 mmol/L)处理,连续培养3周后(四叶一心)取样,测定白菜幼苗根系形态、植株长势、钾素含量和积累量等指标。通过主成分分析,筛选影响白菜钾高效利用的重要指标,并利用聚类分析对21份种质进行聚类。
    结果 相比适钾处理,低钾处理显著降低了21份白菜幼苗的根系表面积、根系体积、根尖数、地上部钾浓度(SKC)、植株钾浓度(PKC)、地上部钾积累量(SKA)和植株钾积累量(PKA)。所有品种的SKC、PKC、SKA、根系钾积累量(RKA)和PKA这5个指标的耐低钾系数均较低(LPTC<1),而根系钾浓度(RKC)的耐低钾系数较高(LPTC>1)。对参试21份白菜品种进行主成分分析和D值聚类分析,发现3个白菜种质资源属于耐低钾型品种;3个白菜种质资源属于中等耐低钾型品种;13个白菜种质资源属于中等低钾敏感型品种;两个白菜种质资源属于低钾敏感型品种。耐低钾型白菜‘HK42’在适钾和低钾处理下地上部钾运转效率差异不大,而低钾敏感型白菜‘HK40’低钾处理下根系钾运转效率相比适钾处理显著提高58.95%。与‘HK40’品种相比,‘HK42’品种地上部钾利用指数比和钾效率比分别显著降低74.01%和81.70%。
    结论 根系干重、地上部钾积累量和植株钾浓度可以作为评价白菜品种耐低钾性强弱的指标。初步确认‘HK27’、‘HK42’和‘HK54’为耐低钾型白菜品种,‘HK40’和‘HK48’为低钾敏感型白菜品种。


    Objectives Chinese cabbage is a typical potassium-loving crop, and potassium deficiency seriously affects its yield. Seedling is sensitive to most nutrient deficiencies, so we determined some growth indicators of Chinese cabbage germplasm resources under potassium-efficient, to provide indicators for the breeding and screening of varieties tolerant to low potassium.
    Methods Twenty-one Chinese cabbage inbred lines were used in a hydroponic experiment. The Chinese cabbage seedlings were subject to normal (NK, K+ 6.0 mmol/L) and low K solution (LK, K+ 0.1 mmol/L) for three weeks, then were sampled for determination of root morphology, plant growth, potassium content and potassium accumulation. The principal component analysis and D value cluster analysis of 21 Chinese cabbage varieties were carried out.
    Results The root surface area, root volume, root tip number, shoot potassium concentration (SKC), plant potassium concentration (PKC), shoot potassium accumulation (SKA) and plant potassium accumulation (PKA) of 21 Chinese cabbage seedlings were significantly decreased under LK treatment compared with NK treatment. The low potassium tolerance coefficients of the five indexes of SKC, PKC, SKA, root potassium accumulation (RKA) and PKA of all varieties were lower (LPTC<1), while the low potassium tolerance coefficient of root potassium concentration (RKC) was higher (LPTC>1). Among the 21 Chinese cabbage germplasm resources, 3 were low, 3 were moderate low in potassium tolerance; 13 were medium-low and 2 were low potassium sensitive varieties. The low K tolerant cabbage ‘HK42’ did not show significant difference in the shoot potassium transport efficiency under the NK and LK treatment, while the low K sensitive cabbage ‘HK40’ was recorded 58.95% higher root potassium transport efficiency under LK treatment than under NK treatment. Compared with ‘HK42’, the shoot K utilization index and K efficiency ratio of ‘HK40’ were significantly reduced by 74.01% and 81.70%.
    Conclusions The root dry weight, shoot potassium accumulation and plant potassium concentration are sensitive indicators to evaluate the low potassium tolerance of Chinese cabbage variety. ‘HK27’, ‘HK42’ and ‘HK54’ have been identified as low potassium tolerant varieties, while ‘HK40’ and ‘HK48’ as low potassium sensitive varieties.


