• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S


Effects of summer green manure and nitrogen application on soil nitrogen composition in a dryland winter wheat field

  • 摘要:
    目的 研究绿肥填闲种植和施氮对旱作冬小麦农田土壤氮组分的影响,探讨旱地绿肥填闲种植系统提升土壤供氮能力的途径。
    方法 冬小麦−夏季绿肥田间定位试验开始于2017年,采用绿肥填闲作物和施氮双因素设计,其中绿肥填闲作物包括苏丹草单播(SG)、长武怀豆单播(SB)、苏丹草与怀豆混播(MIX)和裸地休闲(CK) 4个处理,冬小麦施氮量包括0、60、120 kg/hm2 3个水平。2023年6月小麦收获后采集0—10、10—20和20—40 cm土壤样品,测定土壤全氮(STN)、颗粒有机氮(PON)、潜在矿化氮(PMN)和微生物量氮(MBN)含量。
    结果 与CK处理相比,种植绿肥并未显著影响各土层STN含量,但提高了0—10 cm土层PON含量(增幅为25.8%~54.8%)、0—10和10—20 cm土层PMN含量(增幅分别为9.7%~14.1%和11.2%~13.7%)以及0—10、10—20和20—40 cm 土层MBN含量(增幅分别为15.1%~24.1%、18.2%~28.8%和22.3%~32.5%)。不同绿肥处理间比较,SB和MIX处理较SG显著提高了0—10 cm土层PON含量(增幅均为23.1%),SB处理各土层MBN含量均显著高于SG处理(增幅为7.79%~8.93%),而各土层PMN含量在不同绿肥处理间差异均不显著。供试土壤氮组分相对含量大小排序为PON>MBN>PMN,绿肥处理较CK均显著提高了0—10 cm土层PON、PMN、MBN相对含量、10—20 cm土层PMN和MBN相对含量以及20—40 cm土层PON和MBN相对含量。施氮提高了0—20 cm土层氮组分及其相对含量,但对20—40 cm土层没有显著影响。相关性分析结果表明,除STN外,PON、PMN和MBN含量均与系统年均氮输入呈显著正相关关系;STN、PON、PMN、MBN含量间均呈显著正相关,且PON较其它活性组分更能指示土壤供氮能力变化。
    结论 夏季绿肥填闲种植和施氮均能显著提高旱地冬小麦单作系统0—20 cm土层氮组分含量及其相对含量,其中长武怀豆与氮肥120 kg/hm2联合施用更有助于提高农田土壤供氮能力。


    Objectives This study aims to measure the effects of green manure and chemical nitrogen fertilization on soil nitrogen fractions in winter wheat fields under dry farming conditions, and to explore ways to improve soil nitrogen supply capacity in dryland cropping systems.
    Methods The field experiment for winter wheat-summer green manure began in 2017, utilizing a two-factor design involving green manure and nitrogen fertilization. Green manure, as the main treatment, included Sudan grass (SG), Changwu soybean (SB), a mixture of Sudan grass and Changwu soybean (MIX), and a control without green manure (CK). Chemical nitrogen fertilizers were applied to winter wheat at rates of 0, 60, and 120 kg/hm2. At wheat harvest in June 2023, soil samples were collected at depths of 0−10, 10−20, and 20−40 cm to measure soil total nitrogen (STN), particulate organic nitrogen (PON), potential mineralizable nitrogen (PMN), and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) content, respectively.
    Results Compared to CK, green manure treatments had no significant effect on STN at all depths but significantly increased PON content by 25.8%−54.8% at 0−10 cm, PMN contents by 9.7%−14.1% and 11.2%−13.7% at 0−10 and 10−20 cm respectively, and MBN contents by 15.1%−24.11%, 18.2%−28.8%, and 22.3%−32.5% at 0−10, 10−20, and 20−40 cm, respectively. Compared to SG, both SB and MIX increased PON content by 23.1% at 0−10 cm, and SB also had higher MBN content by 7.79%−8.93% at 0−40 cm. No significant difference in PMN contents were found among treatments at all depths. The relative contents of soil nitrogen fractions were in the order of PON>MBN>PMN at all soil depths. Compared to CK, green manure significantly increased the relative contents of PON, PMN, and MBN at 0−10 cm soil depth, the relative contents of PMN and MBN at 10−20 cm, and the relative contents of PON and MBN at 20−40 cm. Nitrogen application increased nitrogen fractions and their relative contents at 0−20 cm but had no significant effect at 20−40 cm soil depth. Correlation analysis indicated that PON, PMN, and MBN were significantly positively correlated with mean annual nitrogen input. The contents of STN, PON, PMN, and MBN were significantly positively correlated with each other, and PON was more capable of indicating changes in soil nitrogen supply capacity than other fractions.
    Conclusions Summer green manure and nitrogen application can significantly increase intermediate labile and liable nitrogen fractions and their relative contents at 0−20 cm soil depth in the dryland winter wheat system. Among the treatments, the combination of Changwu soybean as green manure and chemical nitrogen fertilization at 120 kg/hm2 is a reliable practice to enhance soil nitrogen supply capacity.


