• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S


Fe and Al oxides regulate the distribution of available potassium in organo-mineral complexes of red soil under long-term potassium fertilization

  • 摘要:
    目的 探究长期施用钾肥如何调控有机无机复合体中速效钾的分布及作用机制,为红壤钾库健康培育提供理论依据。
    方法 旱地红壤长期定位试验始于1986年,2022年玉米收获后采集不施肥(CK)、化学氮磷肥配施(NP)、化学氮磷钾肥配施(NPK) 3个处理的土样,通过干筛法获得各处理大团聚体(>2 mm)、小团聚体(0.25~2 mm)和微团聚体(<0.25 mm)土样,结合虹吸法进一步分离得到各级团聚体下的有机无机复合体(<2、2~10、10~50和>50 μm)样品,分析各粒级有机无机复合体颗粒组成、速效钾和铁铝氧化物含量与分布,探究铁铝氧化物与速效钾之间的相互关系。
    结果 1)与CK和NP处理相比,NPK处理大团聚体中<2 μm粒级复合体含量占比分别提高20.5%和149.0%,10~50 μm粒级复合体含量占比分别提高18.6%和降低31.0%。2)在0~50 μm粒级复合体范围内,大、小和微团聚体中10~50 μm粒级复合体速效钾含量均为最低水平。土壤速效钾主要存在于<2 μm粒级复合体中,占比为54.6%~85.9%。与CK和NP处理相比,NPK处理大团聚体中<2 μm粒级复合体速效钾含量占比分别提高44.6%和23.0%。3)与NP处理相比,NPK处理大团聚体<2 μm粒级复合体游离铁、铝氧化物含量分别提高30.0%、467.0%,无定形态铁、铝氧化物含量分别降低79.7%、59.3%。与NP处理相比,NPK处理大团聚体<2 μm粒级复合体有机络合态铝氧化物含量提高9.8%;10~50 μm粒级复合体有机络合态铝氧化物含量降低33.2%。4) 在<2 μm粒级复合体中,游离态铁铝氧化物、无定形态铝氧化物和有机络合态铝氧化物与速效钾之间存在极显著的正相关关系。无定形态和有机络合态铝氧化物对速效钾含量分布解释度较高,分别为11.2%和11.0%。
    结论 长期施用钾肥显著提高红壤旱地土壤大团聚体<2 μm粒级复合体速效钾含量占比和游离态铁铝氧化物含量,降低无定形态铝氧化物含量。且无定形态、有机络合态铝氧化物对<2 μm粒级复合体速效钾具有正向调控作用,有助于增加土壤钾库。


    Objectives Exploring the effect of long-term application of potassium fertilizer on the distribution of available potassium in organic and inorganic complexes by affecting different forms of Al and Fe oxides in soil, to provide a theoretical basis for the healthy cultivation of the potassium pool in red soil.
    Methods Three treatments of no fertilization (CK), combined application of chemical nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer (NP), and combined application of chemical nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer (NPK) were selected from a long-term experiment of red soil in dryland initiated in 1986. Large (>2 mm), small (0.25−2 mm) and micro-aggregate (<0.25 mm) soil samples were obtained by a dry sieving method. The organic and inorganic complexes (<2, 2−10, 10−50, and >50 μm) were further separated by the pipette method. The composition of the organic and inorganic complexes, the content and distribution of available potassium, and Al-Fe oxides at each particle size level were analyzed, and the relationships between different Al-Fe oxides and available potassium were explored.
    Results 1) Compared with CK and NP treatments, the content of <2 μm granular complexes increased by 20.5% and 149.0%, respectively, while the content of 10−50 μm granular complexes increased by 18.6% and decreased by 31.0% in NPK treatment, respectively. 2) In the range of 0−50 μm complex size, the content of 10−50 μm complexes in large, small, and micro-aggregates was the lowest. Soil available potassium mainly existed in <2 μm particle size complexes, accounting for 54.6%−85.9%. Compared with CK and NP treatments, the content of <2 μm complexes in the NPK treatment increased by 44.6% and 23.0%, respectively. 3) Compared with the NP treatment, the content of free Al (Fe) oxides in large aggregate <2 μm particle size complexes under NPK treatment significantly increased by 467.0% (30.0%), and the content of amorphous Al (Fe) oxides significantly decreased by 59.3% (79.7%). Compared with the NP treatment, the content of organically complexed Al oxides in <2 μm particle size complexes under NPK treatment significantly increased by 9.8%, while the content of organically complexed Al oxides in the 10−50 μm complex significantly decreased by 33.2%. 4) Free Fe-Al oxides, amorphous Al oxides, and organically complexed Al oxides were positively correlated with available K in <2 μm particle size complexes. Amorphous and organically complexed aluminum oxides explained 11.2% and 11.0% of the distribution of available potassium, respectively.
    Conclusions Long-term application of potassium fertilizer significantly increased the proportion of available K content and free Fe and Al oxide content in large aggregate <2 μm granular complexes, while decreasing the content of amorphous Al oxides in red soil dryland. Additionally, amorphous and organically complexed aluminum oxides can positively regulate the available potassium in <2 μm complexes, helping to enhance the soil potassium pool.


