• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S

连续3年施用生物有机肥对土壤有机质组分、 棉花养分吸收及产量的影响

Effects of continuous application of bio-organic fertilizer for three years on soil organic matter fractions, cotton nutrient absorption and yield

  • 摘要: 采用盆栽试验,研究了连续3年施用生物有机肥对3种土壤有机质组分、 棉花养分吸收量及产量的影响。结果表明,连续施肥3年后,不同有机质含量土壤的有机质组分含量、 棉花养分吸收量及产量均较不施肥有不同程度的提高。3种土壤随着施肥量的增加,土壤有机质总量和活性有机质组分(活性有机质、 中活性有机质、 高活性有机质)增加,活性有机质在3年后的增加幅度高于有机质总量,说明连续施用生物有机肥可以改善土壤有机质质量。高等、 中等有机质含量的土壤施用生物有机肥2030 g/kg时养分吸收量最大; 低等有机质含量的土壤在施用生物有机肥40 g/kg时养分吸收量最高。高、 中、 低等有机质含量的土壤棉花产量分别在施用生物有机肥20、 20、 40 g/kg时最大,较不施肥增加了54.05%、 37.15%、 104.08%。通过相关分析表明,随着土壤的本底有机质含量由高到低,有机质组分、 棉花养分吸收量及产量之间的相关性则越好,养分吸收量和产量存在极显著相关。


    Abstract: Pot experiment in greenhouse with different application rates of bioorganic fertilizer on three kind soils with low, middle, high organic matter (SHM, SMM, SLM) was carried out three years. Effects of fertilization on soil organic matter fractions, cotton nutrient absorption and yield were studied. The results showed that the soil organic matter and labile organic matter fractions, cotton nutrient absorption and yields were increased by the application fertilizer three years later. The contents of soil organic matter and labile organic matter fractions (organic matter, labile organic matter, middle labile organic matter and high labile organic matter) were also increased with the increase of the application rates. The increase ratio of labile organic matter was higher than that of the organic matter after the three years. It indicated that the application of bioorganic fertilizer could improve the quality of soil organic matter. The biggest amount of cotton nutrient absorption were treatments with application 20-30 g/kg bioorganic fertilize to higher, middle organic matter contents soils, but at 40 g/kg to low organic matter contents soil. According to cotton yields, application 20, 20 and 40 g/kg of bioorganic fertilize to higher, middle, and low content of organic matter soil, and the yields were increased by 54.05%, 37.15% and 104.08% compared to control treatment(no fertilizer application), respectively. The correlation analysis showed that the correlations were better between soil organic matter fractions, cotton nutrient absorption quantity and yield with the soil organic matter content from high to low. There were significantly correlation between cotton nutrient absorption quantity and yield in the three soils.


