• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S


Effects of potassium input on rice yield and soil potassium supply capacity under the cooperative returning of rice straw and Chinese milk vetch

  • 摘要:
    目的 水稻生产对钾素的需求量大,研究稻草和紫云英协同还田条件下不同施肥处理对水稻产量和土壤钾素形态变化的影响,旨在保障我国南方水稻的高产和土壤钾素高效利用。
    方法 不同轮作模式钾肥定位试验位于中国农业科学院红壤实验站内(始于2016年)。试验处理包括不施肥和冬闲(CK)、氮磷钾肥和冬闲(F)、氮磷钾肥和冬种紫云英(CM)、氮磷钾肥配合稻草还田和冬种紫云英(RCM)、氮磷减钾50%配合稻草还田和冬种紫云英(50%KRCM)。在试验第3年(2019年)于水稻收获后调查分析水稻产量和钾素含量,以及耕层土壤中速效钾和缓效钾含量,计算水稻钾素吸收量、钾素生理效率和钾素表观平衡,并进一步探讨水稻产量和钾素各指标之间的相关性。
    结果 与CK处理相比,紫云英轮作显著提高水稻年产量,增幅以RCM、50%KRCM较高,分别为59.4%和59.7%。两者协同还田和紫云英单独还田均可显著提高有效穗数,相比化肥冬闲处理(F),增幅为53.1%~63.3%,在稻草和紫云英协同还田下,减钾对水稻产量构成因素的影响不明显。和F处理相比,RCM、50%KRCM处理显著提高了土壤速效钾和缓效钾含量,增幅分别为87.6%、41.1%和14.0%、12.1%,紫云英单独还田(CM)可显著提高土壤速效钾含量,对缓效钾含量的影响不显著。与RCM处理相比,50%KRCM处理的土壤速效钾含量显著降低了24.8%,缓效钾含量没有显著变化。和CK处理相比,RCM处理显著提高了稻谷含钾量,增幅为6.7%,4个施肥处理均显著提高了稻草和稻谷吸钾量,钾素表观平衡均表现为盈余,RCM和50%KRCM处理的钾素盈余量高于CM处理,但50%KRCM处理的钾素盈余量比RCM处理降低了119.7 kg/(hm2·a)。钾素盈余量与土壤速效钾含量变化呈显著正相关,钾素盈余量每增加1 kg/(hm2·a),土壤速效钾含量提高0.25 mg/kg。施肥降低了钾素生理效率,CM、RCM和F处理的钾素生理效率比CK降低了10.3%~15.5%。土壤速效钾含量、植株总吸钾量、钾素表观平衡和水稻产量之间均显著正相关,植株总吸钾量每增加1 kg/hm2,水稻产量提高30.5 kg/hm2,钾素表观平衡每增加1 kg/(hm2·a),水稻产量提高9.5 kg/hm2
    结论 稻草和紫云英协同还田可增加水稻有效穗数进而提高稻谷产量,增加钾素盈余量可提高土壤速效钾和缓效钾含量,两者协同还田提升水稻产量和土壤供钾能力的作用优于紫云英单独还田。稻草和紫云英协同还田条件下减少钾肥施用量,显著降低钾素盈余量,但没有降低土壤钾素的供应能力,因此,可适当减少钾肥的施用量。


    Objectives Rice production requires large amount of potassium for high yield. For the efficient and sustainable utilization of potassium in red soil paddy field area, we studied the effects of the cooperative returning of rice straw and Chinese milk vetch.
    Methods A fertilizer positioning experiment was carried out in Qiyang City, Hunan Province since 2016, under rice and winter Chinese milk vetch (CM) rotation system. The control treatment was no-fertilizer input in rice season and no-cropping after rice harvest during winter season (CK); and the four fertilizer treatments in the rice season included winter fallow (F), returning winter CM merely (CM), returning both rice straw and winter CM under normal NPK fertilizer input (RCM), and a treatment under 50% reduction of K fertilizer (50%KRCM). At rice harvesting of the third year of the experiment (2019), the yield and plant biomass of rice were weighed, the K content in plants and grains of rice were measured for the calculation of rice potassium uptake, potassium physiological efficiency and potassium apparent balance. And the readily available potassium (AK) and and slowly available potassium (SAK) contents in topsoil were measured to determine the correlation between rice yield and potassium indicators.
    Results Compared with CK, the RCM and 50%KRCM treatments increased the annual rice yield by 59.4% and 59.7%; the three CM contained treatments increased the effective panicle number by 53.1%−63.3%, compared with F treatment. RCM and 50%KRCM treatments were recorded similar rice yields and yield components. Compared with F treatment, RCM and 50%KRCM significantly increased soil AK content by 87.6% and 41.1%, and SAK content by 14.0% and 12.1%, respectively. CM treatment increased AK content, but did not increase SAK significantly. 50%KRCM was recorded 24.8% lower AK content but similar SAK content with RCM treatment. Compared with F treatment, all the four fertilization treatments increased the potassium uptake of rice straws and grains, and the potassium surplus (PS). RCM was recorded the highest increment of rice grain K content by 6.7%. The PS was significantly descended in order of RCM, 50%KRCM and CM treatment, and the PS amount of 50%KRCM was 119.7 kg/(hm2·a) less than that of RCM. The PS showed a positive correlation (P<0.05) with the change of soil potassium content, the soil AK would rise 0.25 mg/kg for every 1 kg/(hm2·a) of PS increase. Fertilization reduced potassium physiological efficiency, the potassium physiological efficiencies of CM, RCM and F treatments were 10.3%−15.5% lower than that of CK. There was a significant positive correlation between soil AK, plant K uptake, PS and rice yield. Every 1 kg/hm2 of K uptake would result in 30.5 kg/hm2 of rice yield increase, every extra 1 kg/(hm2·a) of PS would result in 9.5 kg/hm2 of rice yield increase.
    Conclusions Cooperative returning of rice straw and Chinese milk vetch is effective to increase rice yield due to more effective panicle number and potassium surplus, and higher soil potassium supply capacity, and the effect has been proved much better than the single returning of Chinese milk vetch. Under the cooperative returning, potassium reduction decreases potassium surplus, that does not show obvious impact on soil potassium supply capacity and rice yield, so is an efficient potassium fertilizer management.


