• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S


Construction and verification of critical nitrogen concentration dilution curves for early maturing cotton under different water conditions

  • 摘要:
    目的 基于临界氮浓度(Nc),构建不同水分条件下早熟棉花氮营养指数(NNI)、氮吸收量(Nupt)和累积氮亏缺量(Nand)模型,为棉花氮素营养诊断提供快捷准确的方法,以提高水肥利用效率。
    方法 田间试验于2021和2022年在新疆石河子市进行,供试棉花品种为当地主栽早熟品种‘新石K-18’。试验采用完全区组设计,设置4个灌溉水量(W):中度亏缺(W1,3000 m3/hm2)、轻度亏缺(W2,3750 m3/hm2)、正常水分(W3,4500 m3/hm2)、水分盈余(W4,5250 m3/hm2); 5个氮素(N)水平:0、225、262.5、300 、337.5 kg/hm2,记为N0、N1、N2、N3和N4,共20个处理。出苗后第60、75、90、105、120 天,取棉株样品,分为茎、叶和铃,吐絮后棉铃又分为铃壳、棉籽、皮棉,测定干物质量和氮浓度。在吐絮期调查棉花株数、单株结铃数、单铃重,以及皮棉产量和衣分。以植株干重与含氮量构建不同水分条件下的临界氮浓度稀释曲线(Nc),采用均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)和标准化均方根误差(n-RMSE)对临界氮浓度稀释曲线的可靠性进行验证。基于Nc,建立棉株氮营养指数、氮吸收量、累积氮亏缺量模型,用于不同水分条件下的棉花氮素最佳用量推荐。
    结果 棉花各生育期地上部干物质、棉花产量、氮含量均随灌水与施氮量的增加而增加,籽棉与皮棉产量均以W3N3处理最高,分别为5892与2747 kg/hm2。W1~W4各水分条件下临界氮浓度稀释曲线R2分别为0.999、0.912、0.952、0.974,RMSE分别为0.284、0.280、0.243和0.269,说明模型具有较高的精度。基于Nc的氮营养指数、氮吸收量与累积氮亏缺量模型,对不同水分条件滴灌棉花氮营养状况的诊断结果均表明N3 (300 kg/hm2)为最适施氮水平。综合棉花产量与氮含量,中度水分亏缺条件(W1)下的最佳施氮量为 262.5 kg/hm2,轻度亏缺、正常水分和水分盈余(W2、W3和W4)条件下均为300 kg/hm2
    结论 建立的滴灌棉花临界氮浓度稀释曲线和基于该模型建立的氮营养指数、氮吸收量和累积氮亏缺量模型,能够精准预测不同水分条件下滴灌棉花的氮素营养状况,为棉花氮营养诊断和高效施氮管理提供支撑。


    Objectives Based on the critical nitrogen concentration (Nc), we constructed nitrogen nutrition index (NNI), nitrogen uptake (Nupt), and cumulative nitrogen deficit (Nand) models of early-maturing cotton under different water conditions, to provide a quick and accurate method for diagnosing nitrogen nutritional status of cotton and improving water and fertilizer use efficiency.
    Methods Field experiments were conducted in 2021 and 2022 in Shihezi City, Xinjiang, and Xinshi K-18, an early maturity cotton cultivar, was used as test material. A complete block design was used for the experiment, with four watering criterions (W): moderate deficit (W1, 3000 m3/hm2), mild deficit (W2, 3750 m3/hm2), moderate (W3, 4500 m3/hm2), and sufficient (W4, 5250 m3/hm2). Five nitrogen levels (N): 0, 225, 262.5, 300, and 337.5 kg/hm2 (denoted as N0, N1, N2, N3, and N4, respectively), totalling 20 treatments. At 60, 75, 90, 105, and 120 days after emergence, cotton samples were collected and divided into stems, leaves, and bolls, and the cotton bolls after blowing were further divided into boll shell, seed, and lint, for the determination of dry weight and N content. Also the number of cotton plants, boll number per plant, boll weight per plant, lint yield and clothing percentage at 120 days were investigated. The critical nitrogen dilution curve (Nc) was constructed based on plant dry weight and N content under different water conditions. The reliability of Nc dilution curve was verified by root mean square error (RMSE) and standardized root mean square error (n-RMSE). Based on Nc, the N nutrition index, N uptake, and cumulative N deficit models of cotton plants were established to recommend the optimal amount of N in cotton under different water conditions.
    Results Shoot dry matter, cotton yield, and N content increased with the increases of water and N application rates at all growth stages, and both the highest seed cotton yield (5892 kg/hm2 ) and lint cotton yield (2747 kg/hm2) were recorded in W3N3 treatment. Under water criterions from W1 to W4, the R2 values of the critical nitrogen concentration dilution curve were 0.999, 0.912, 0.952, and 0.974, respectively, and the RMSEs were 0.284, 0.280, 0.243, and 0.269, respectively, indicating that the model had satisfactory accuracy. The nitrogen nutrition index, nitrogen uptake, and cumulative nitrogen deficit models based on Nc all showed that N3 (300 kg/hm2) was the optimal N application level for cotton nitrogen nutrition under all the four watering criterions. Considering yield and nitrogen level, the optimal N application rate was 262.5 kg/hm2 under moderate water deficit (W1), and 300 kg/hm2 under mild deficit, moderate and sufficient water conditions (W2, W3 and W4), respectively.
    Conclusions The constructed critical nitrogen dilution curve of cotton and the derived nitrogen nutrition index, nitrogen uptake, and cumulative nitrogen deficit models could accurately predict nitrogen nutritional status of cotton under different water conditions, so can be used for nitrogen nutrition diagnosis and as the reference of efficient water and nitrogen management of cotton.


