• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S


Research progress on the key roles of calcium nutrition in regulating potato yield, quality and stress resistance

  • 摘要: 马铃薯作为全球及我国第四大粮食作物,在保障粮食安全、改善营养健康等国家发展战略方面发挥着重要作用。马铃薯产量、品质与养分管理有着紧密联系,作为马铃薯的一种必需营养元素,钙在马铃薯生长发育过程中起着营养和信使的双重功能。本文较为系统地总结了马铃薯地下部根茎结构特性与钙养分吸收、分布的关系,钙在提升马铃薯产量与品质,增强马铃薯抗逆性的关键作用,以期为匹配土壤−作物系统的马铃薯钙肥产品创制与田间钙养分实时智能精准高效管理提供科学依据,提升马铃薯产量与品质,助推马铃薯绿色生产与主粮化战略行动。


    Abstract: Potato ranks the fourth largest staple food in China and the world, the quality and yield of potatoes decide the food and nutrition supply safeties to some extent. During the production, the high yield and quality of potatoes rely heavily on the sufficient and balanced fertilization. Calcium, one of essential elements for plants, has unique functions as a direct nutrient and a messenger in many physiological processes. We summarized the structural features of potato roots and underground stems, the characteristics of calcium uptake and distribution, and the mechanisms of calcium in potato growth. The summary emphasized on the key roles of calcium in improving potato yield and quality while enhancing plant resistance, aiming to provide a scientific basis for the development of calcium fertilizer products, and the precise and efficient calcium fertilization practices that is tailored for specific soil-crop system, thus improving potato yields and quality, and boosting the green production of potato and the strategy for potatoes as a staple food.


