• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S


Long-term application of sewage sludge compost in large amount increases crop yield and soil carbon storage of North China

  • 摘要:
    目的 阐明长期不同用量质量达标的污泥堆肥配施化肥对华北地区冬小麦−夏玉米轮作体系作物产量,以及耕层土壤有机碳储量(SOCS)和全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)、全钾(TK)含量的影响,为污泥高效资源化利用及农业绿色可持续发展提供理论依据。
    方法 于北京市昌平区,开展污泥堆肥(SW)与化肥配施定位试验(2008—2020年),种植制度为冬小麦−夏玉米轮作,试验设置5个处理:100%尿素(N)、50%WS+50%尿素(0.5SW+0.5N)、100%SW+50%尿素(SW+0.5N)、200%SW+50%尿素(2SW+0.5N)、400%SW+50%尿素(4SW+0.5N)处理。小麦、玉米收获后,调查籽粒和秸秆产量,0—20 cm土层土壤有机质和氮磷钾含量,并计算土壤固碳效率。
    结果 随着污泥堆肥用量的增加,小麦和玉米籽粒和秸秆产量逐渐增加,与N处理相比,0.5SW+0.5N处理小麦、玉米籽粒和秸秆多年平均产量无显著差异,SW+0.5N、2SW+0.5N和4SW+0.5N处理下小麦籽粒产量分别增加了6.97%、14.88%和17.94%,玉米籽粒产量分别增加了8.43%、11.77%和15.38%。土壤中有机碳储量、全氮、全磷、全钾含量在0.5SW+0.5N、SW+0.5N、2SW+0.5N和4SW+0.5N处理下较N处理明显提升。同时,土壤中有机碳储量、全氮、全磷和全钾含量随污泥堆肥用量的增加而显著增加(P<0.05)。N、0.5SW+0.5N、SW+0.5N、2SW+0.5N和4SW+0.5N处理下,土壤全氮含量多年平均值分别为1.07、1.26、1.56、1.93和2.73 g/kg,全磷含量分别为1.19、1.67、2.37、3.27、4.11 g/kg,全钾含量分别为18.60、19.06、19.85、20.07、21.19 g/kg。
    结论 与单施尿素相比,以质量达标的污泥堆肥替代50%尿素(0.5SW+0.5N)不会影响小麦、玉米籽粒和秸秆产量,而且可以提升土壤肥力。在尿素用量减半条件下,增加污泥堆肥用量可显著提高小麦、玉米籽粒产量和土壤肥力,特别是在污泥堆肥氮用量为尿素氮用量的4倍时,小麦和玉米可稳定增产15%~18%,并且由于高量污泥堆肥的长期施用极大地提升了土壤中有机碳、全氮、全磷和全钾的储量,保证了产量的可持续性和土壤的碳汇效应。


    Objectives This study investigated the effects of long-term application of varying doses of sewage sludge compost (SW, comply with quality standard) on crop yield and topsoil organic carbon storage (SOCS) and total nutrient contents in a winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in North China. The result will provide reference for the efficient utilization of sewage sludge compost in agriculture.
    Methods A field experiment was conducted from 2008 to 2020 in Changping District of Beijing. The treatments included 100% urea (N), 50%SW + 50% urea (0.5SW+0.5N), 100%SW + 50% urea (SW+0.5N), 200%SW + 50%urea (2SW+0.5N), and 400%SW + 50%urea (4SW+0.5N). Wheat and maize yield, as well as SOCS, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and total potassium (TK) contents in 0–20 cm soil layer were measured each year. The soil carbon sequestration efficiency was also calculated.
    Results With the increasing of sewage sludge compost input, wheat and maize grain and straw yields increased. The multi-year average yields of wheat and maize grains and straw in 0.5SW+0.5N treatment were not significantly different from that in N treatment, while those in SW+0.5N, 2SW+0.5N, and 4SW+0.5N were significantly increased, with the increment in wheat grain yields by 6.97%, 14.88%, and 17.94%, and in maize grain yields by 8.43%, 11.77%, and 15.38%, respectively. The SOCS, TN, TP, and TK kept enhanced with the increase of sewage sludge compost input amounts (P<0.05). The multi-year average TN in treatment N, 0.5SW+0.5N, SW+0.5N, 2SW+0.5N, and 4SW+0.5N were 1.07, 1.26, 1.56, 1.93, and 2.73 g/kg; the multi-year average TP were 1.19, 1.67, 2.37, 3.27, 4.11 g/kg; and the multi-year average TK were 18.60, 19.06, 19.85, 20.07, 21.19 g/kg, respectively.
    Conclusions Replacing 50% of urea N with sewage sludge compost will not impact the wheat and maize yield, but increase soil fertility significantly. Under half of conventional urea N input rate, increasing the application rate of sewage sludge compost could significantly elevate the wheat and maize grain yields, especially when the application rate is 4 times of the urea N input, the grain yield will be increased by 15%−18%, and the soil organic carbon and nutrient storage increased greatly, which boosts the sustainability of grain yields and the carbon sink effect of soil.


