• ISSN 1008-505X
  • CN 11-3996/S


Effects of organic material properties on microbial carbon fractions in black soil farmland

  • 摘要:
    目的 探索在不同性质和用量的有机物料输入后黑土农田微生物碳组分的变化规律及其对土壤有机碳的贡献,明确东北黑土农田固碳的微生物过程,为黑土培肥和可持续发展提供理论支持。
    方法 采用室内培养方法,供试黑土采自黑龙江省克山试验站的典型黑土农田,供试有机物料包括玉米秸秆(S)、生物炭(B)、水溶性有机肥(D),各有机物料均设3个施用量水平(低量、中量和高量),并以施化肥(F)和不施肥(CK)为对照,共计11个处理。在培养开始后的第5、15、30、60、105天分别采样,测定土壤有机碳(SOC)含量、微生物生物量碳(MBC)含量、细菌生物量(Ba)、真菌生物量(Fu)和微生物残体碳(MRC)含量。细菌与真菌生物量以其特征磷脂脂肪酸含量表征,微生物残体碳由不同土壤氨基糖含量表征的细菌与真菌残体量转换计算。
    结果 与CK和F处理相比,3类有机物料输入均增加了土壤SOC、MBC和MRC含量,提升了MRC对SOC的贡献(MRC/SOC)。土壤MBC和MRC含量随秸秆和生物炭施用量的增加而提升,随水溶性有机肥施用量的增加而下降。在105天培养期内,所有处理MBC、MRC峰值均出现在培养第30、60天,3个有机物料分别以S3、B3和D1的提升效果最大。与CK相比,培养105天时S3、B3和D1处理的MBC分别提高了39.1%、8.2%和28.9%,真菌残体碳(FRC)含量分别提高了47.9%、43.5%和58.1%,S3和D1处理的细菌残体碳(BRC)含量分别提高了18.5%和16.5%。9个有机物料C/N和全氮(TN)含量与微生物碳组分的回归分析发现,有机物料C/N低于29.89、28.57时,分别与培养105天的MBC和BRC呈正相关关系,高于该阈值时呈负相关关系 (P<0.05);有机物料TN含量低于0.18、0.11 g/kg时,分别与MBC和FRC呈正相关关系 (P<0.05),超过该阈值时呈负相关关系 (P<0.05),而BRC始终与有机物料TN含量呈正相关关系 (P<0.05)。在9个有机物料处理中,MBC占SOC的比例为3.8%~9.4%,MRC占SOC的比例则高达24.1%~35.3%。与CK和F处理相比,生物炭输入显著增加了SOC含量,但未显著提升MBC的占比;秸秆和水溶性有机肥输入显著提升了MBC 和MRC占SOC的比例。
    结论 含氮量较高、碳氮比值较低的秸秆增加了土壤微生物生物量碳和残体碳含量及其对有机碳的贡献,且高施用量时效果更显著;氮含量和碳氮比值低的生物炭增加了土壤有机碳含量,促进了真菌生物量和残体碳增加,但未提升微生物生物量碳对有机碳的贡献;含氮量高的水溶性有机肥低施用量时有利于提升微生物生物量碳和残体碳含量及其对土壤有机碳的贡献,但高施用量作用相反。因此,增加秸秆和生物炭投入量,控制水溶性有机肥投入量有利于微生物碳组分的积累,促进土壤有机碳的固定。


    Objectives We examined the dynamic changes of microbial carbon fractions, and their contribution to soil organic carbon in the black soil farmland after the input of different types and amounts of organic materials, aiming to deeply understand the carbon sequestration mechanism dominated by microbial.
    Methods Indoor incubation method was used for the research. The test black soil was from a typical black soil farmland in Keshan Experimental Station, Heilongjiang Province. And the test organic materials were corn stover (S), biochar (B), and dissolved organic fertilizer (D), with three application levels (low, medium and high) for each organic material. NPK fertilizer (F) and no fertilizer (CK) were used as the controls. Sampling was carried out at the 5, 15, 30, 60 and 105 days of incubation for analysis of soil organic carbon content (SOC), microbial biomass carbon content (MBC), bacterial biomass (Ba), fungal biomass (Fu), and microbial residue carbon content (MRC). The biomass of both bacterial and fungal taxa was characterized by their characteristic phospholipid fatty acid content, and the microbial residual carbon was calculated by converting the amount of bacterial and fungal residues characterized by different soil amino sugar contents.
    Results Compared with the F and CK treatments, all three organic materials increased SOC, MBC, and MRC contents, and elevated the contribution of MRC to SOC (MRC/SOC). Increase of straw and biochar application rate elevated soil MBC and MRC contents, while the increase of dissolved organic fertilizers declined them. During the 105 days of incubation, all the organic treatments were recorded the peaks of MBC at 30 days, and MRC at 60 days; S3, B3 and D1 exhibited the highest promotion effects. MBC increased by 39.1%, 8.2% and 28.9% and fungal residue carbon (FRC) content by 47.9%, 43.5% and 58.1% in S3, B3 and D1 treatments, and bacterial residue carbon (BRC) content by 18.5% and 16.5% in S3 and D1 treatments, respectively, at 105 days of incubation as compared to CK treatment. Regression analysis of carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N) and total nitrogen (TN) content of the nine organic materials with microbial carbon fractions at 105 days of incubation revealed that MBC and BRC were positively correlated (P<0.05) with organic material C/N below 29.89 and 28.57, respectively, otherwise would be negatively correlated (P<0.05). And the TN of the organic materials was negatively correlated with MBC and FRC when the TN was below 0.18 g/kg and 0.11 g/kg, respectively, likely the correlation became negative when the TN exceeded the two thresholds. The BRC was always positively correlated (P<0.05) with organic matter TN. For all the organic treatments, MBC/SOC ranged from 3.8% to 9.4%, and the MRC/SOC ranged from 24.1% to 35.3%. Compared with the F and CK treatments, biochar contributed to the increase of SOC, but not on MBC/SOC; straw and dissolved organic fertilizer significantly enhanced MBC/SOC and MRC/SOC.
    Conclusions Straw with higher nitrogen content and lower C/N ratio could increase soil microbial biomass carbon and microbial residual carbon contents and their contribution to total organic carbon, and higher application rates strengthen the effect; biochar is low in nitrogen and C/N radio, its application is in favor of soil organic carbon, fungal biomass and microbial residual carbon accumulation, but not on the contribution of microbial biomass carbon to organic carbon; dissolved organic fertilizers contain high nitrogen, so are favorable to enhance microbial biomass carbon and residual carbon content and their contribution to organic carbon at low application rates, while the opposite at high application rates. Therefore, straw and biochar are encouraged to apply in high rate, while the application rate of dissolved organic fertilizers should be controlled for the accumulation of microbial carbon fractions and the fixation of soil organic carbon.


