Chemical fertilizer use and efficiency change of main grain crops in China
Graphical Abstract
Since 2004, China has increased the grain production significantly due to the impetus of strong policies, including the soil testing and fertilizer recommendation. This paper analysis the changes of the fertilizer efficiency in Chinas grain production systems by comparing the farmers practice in 2008 and 2001 respectively. The results show that,chemical fertilizer application rate increased by 5.4% and 29.0% in wheat and maize system in the past seven years, and decreased by 4.3% in rice. Total fertilizer consumption increased 1.3106t on grain crops, but its proportion decreased from 68% to 50% in the total chemical fertilizer consumption of whole China. PFP(grain yield divided by the amount of fertilizer)was used to present the fertilizer use efficiency. We find that the PFP of rice are higher than wheat, and then maize. The PFP of wheat and rice increased from 10.6 kg/kg to 11.9 kg/kg and from 13.9 kg/kg to 15.7 kg/kg, and that of maize decreased from 13.8 kg/kg to 11.5 kg/kg respectively in last 7 years. The change of planting structure has a strong impact on the fertilizer application. The concentration of the main planting area of cereal crops is good to improve the fertilizer efficiency of cereal crops, but the increasing of the area of economic crops makes the fertilizer efficiency may continue to decrease in China.