The aim of this study was to investigate the accumulation and distribution of mineral elements in plantain banana(Musa ABB Pisang Awak) and establish a reasonable fertilization protocol. Plantain banana was cultured in field and harvested at the fruit maturation stage for analyzing its composition of dry biomass, mineral element contents in different parts. The results show that the total dry biomass of plantain banana is 17.6 kg/plant, and the percentage of leaves is 16.4%, pseudostems, 32.8%; corms, 9.6%; fruits, 37.3%; bunch axles, 1.1% and roots, 2.8%, respectively. The total N, P and K amounts in plantain banana are 167.0, 19.3 and 521.7 g/plant, respectively. The total Ca, Mg and S amounts in plantain banana are 118.3, 54.7 and 16.6 g/plant, respectively, and the total Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B and Mo amounts in plantain banana are 6650.5, 16142.9, 152.3, 607.7, 212.2 and 4.2 mg/plant, respectively. N, P, Ca and S are mainly assigned to leaves, pseudostems and fruits, K and Mg to pseudostems, Fe to leaves, roots and corms, Cu mainly to pseudostems and fruits, Zn and Mo to leaves, pseudostems and corms, B and Mn to leaves and pseudostems. To form a yield of 60 t/hm2, N 385.6 kg, P 44.6 kg, K 1205.1 kg, Ca 273.3 kg, Mg 126.6 kg, S 38.3 kg, Fe 15.4 kg, Mn 37.3 kg, Cu 352.0 g, Zn 1403.8 g, B 490.1 g and Mo 9.6 g are needed.